It is official: we are homeowners! Although things did not go quite as we had planned (do they ever?), we are finally in our new home! I'll spare you the crazy details (you're welcome), and just get to what you're probably interested in...pictures! ;)

Well, before pictures of the house, credit must be given to the mighty movers ;) In God's providence, David's brother Andrew was in Seattle the weekend we moved, and we are so thankful he was willing to help move all our junk! :) We had a few other friends help out as well, and we're quite thankful for all their help...moving is no fun, especially the lifting-crazy-heavy-boxes part.

They were kind enough to leave a tiny walkway to get through this mess! :)

You're amazed at how quickly we got rid of that mess of boxes? Well, in truth, most of those boxes are still there, and they don't make for great room pictures...so, I'm only posting the pictures taken by the professional stager (aka: optical illusionist paid to make seller's home look better than it really is). Eventually I'll get pictures with our stuff...maybe. :)

Dining Room

The Kitchen...although all the pretty appliances went bye-bye with the seller. We went about 4 days without a fridge or oven, and then some friends graciously gave us their old appliances, so now we're set! We're so thankful for God's provision!

The downstairs living space

The deck...although the picture conveniently leaves out the welcome team that came with our new home (see below).

Yes, we were welcomed by a family of raccoons...that I think mistake themselves for house cats. They would actually stand at the back door waiting to be fed! Although the 5 babies are kinda cute, we've decided they need to look elsewhere for food (and hopefully that won't mean our garbage can!;).

The Momma lounging around on our deck...they really act like
they own the place!

The end of a crazy day's work! We are so thankful to God for providing this house, and for providing the family & friends to help move (thanks a bunch Andrew!!). We are praying that God will use this house for His glory!
your house is beautiful. Glad to hear you're doing good.
Okay, now.
I gave myself a nearly three month hiatus, so I'll accord you the same, but c'mon... It's been over three months for you slackers.
I know, I know Abigail...we have no excuses...except, well, that I haven't had much blog-worthy excitement. But we will try. :)
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