Well, we decided we worked up such a sweat moving in to our new home that we deserved a vacation. :) Not really, but since a large bunch of David's family was vacationing at Mt. Shasta, we did decide it was worth the 8 hour drive to California to visit with family not seen often enough. We had a wonderful time visiting and enjoying the beauty of God's creation.

Mt. Shasta --I could stare at it all day.

Faith (our niece) & I at the beach.

David and Titus (our youngest nephew).

The Parker-Pichura Clan
(and one new face you may not recognize!:)

And the new face is....Aaron Johnson.
(We'll let you figure out the rest) ;)

The CUTEST kids EVER!!

Mom & Dad Parker
(We are praising God that Mom had a wonderful week!!)

One more picture--gotta keep with tradition you know. ;)
We LOVE the pictures...and we're so jealous we couldn't go. :( Hopefully we'll be able to see you sometime in the near future.
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