Don't let the picturesque photo above fool you...that's not sand! We've been having some crazy snowy weather over here in the Northwest! They keep assuring us that it's not always like this, but I'm beginning to wonder...and I'm certainly glad we decided to pack the snow shovel into the moving van! :) We have had quite the snowstorm here in Seattle--I think it's the biggest one they've had in about 50 years! I had one nun at work tell me the last time she saw snow like this was in the 30's!! We had 12+ inches by the time it was "mostly" over, which for Seattle, is HUGE...then add a few layers of ice, barely any plows, lots of steep hills, no salt (!), and lots of drivers who have no clue what to do in snow, and you have "snowmare '08"...or "snowmageddon"as some where calling it. It was beautiful and fun as long as you didn't have to drive anywhere (and if you did, get ready for a scary ride!). Since Seattle has no decent method for clearing all the snow, we just had to "wait it out"...until warmer air melted all the snow. This usually happens in a day or two, but this time it was about 2 weeks later! It was frustrating at times, but we are very blessed to work close to home, so it didn't completely halt things. Eventually, the snow began to melt, and life slowly got back to normal. (Just in time for the torrential rains! ;)
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