In a rush to get all the Christmas pictures up, I forgot a very important event...the annual Gingerbread Decorating Contest! In the scope of life, I know, it seems trivial, but to the Parker children and children at heart, this is a big deal! :) And it seemed like it became an even bigger deal this year, because it kept getting postponed! It's usually done on Christmas, but this year, it didn't happen till New Year's Day (much to the Micah's dismay!). Part of the reason for this delay was that we had to have a few hours to spare (some of the Parkers are just
a bit meticulous) and be ready to clean up a huge mess! (16 people
all trying to make the best gingerbread person,
all trying to get the icing,
all grabbing the sprinkles...) We had quite a few masterpieces, and I must admit, I think the Parker-Pichura-Johnson clan has something special here. America's Got Talent could be on the horizon. :)

This would be the sprinkle grabbing, frosting flinging part ;)

Taste-testing was also a very important part of this event for Titus.

After a little coaxing from Kristin, Dad got in on the action.

James, hard at :)

Kristin's piece of art.
I thought the ball and chain was a nice touch, don't you?

Andrew's creation...anyone who knows Andrew can probably guess this one.

"702 Ridge Road", by Mr. Paulie Parker

The kids did a great job!! Micah made Yoda, Grace and Faith both made really detailed gingerbread houses, and Titus made a bunch of colorful creations!
And now, drumroll, please,....the winners of the Gingerbread competion:
First Place: The "McMasterpiece" by, you guessed it, David Parker.
This was the real deal--drive through and everything! It was only missing the burgers! :)

Maybe he missed his calling? ;)
Second Place was a tie, even after two attempts at a tie breaker!
The 3-way tie: Kimberly, Aaron, and Michelle

The ever-stylish Minnie Mouse.
(This may be the first time in my life I almost won an art contest! Trivial, I know, but I'll take it! :)

Kim and Aaron teamed up to make a really sweet, and very detailed, Raggedy Ann and Andy.