Well, we HAD good intentions of keeping this blog up to date. And often, we even found ourselves talking about posting, but as you can see, sometimes the best of intentions amount to nothing. So, we've decided this narrative blog thing is coming to an end. Now, for all 3 of you reading this;), don't worry, we're not going to stop the blog. We're just going to switch to pictures with captions for most of the time, because I think if we do it that way, you'll get to hear from us more often. If you want to know more, there's always that old thing called the telephone :) (just remember east coasters, we're 3 hours back).
And one more thing, for all you creative people out there, we're also taking suggestions for a new blog name, since we are off the interstate and officially living in the Emerald City of Seattle.

Our first official step towards becoming Seattlelites...anyone need a PA plate? :)

I spent 3 LONG days in the kitchen--unpacking boxes and finding a home for everything. I'm relieved to say it's finally done, and we had our first home cooked meals this week!

A view of our backyard. It's a pretty good size, and has lots of room for BBQs!

We started attending Mars Hill the first Sunday we were in Seattle, and have now enjoyed our 3rd Sunday (time flies! :) It has been exciting, encouraging, and challenging to be in such a great church. Their Gospel class, which is an 8 week teaching series on "the fundamentals of what we believe", started last Sunday and we have decided to take part in that as well. God has also blessed us with a few new friendships within the church. To sum it up, we're happy to be here!