I know we've been horrible about updating this blog, but just wanted to take a few minutes to publicly say 'Thank You!' to my bride.
10 years ago today, I married my high school sweetheart, Michelle. What a blessing and a gift Michelle has been. It's been a journey filled with ups and downs, pain and laughter, tears and joy, but through all of it, I'm truly thankful that I have been graced with a wife that loves Jesus and loves me. I continue to learn that no matter what the struggle, we have a savior that loves us deeply and allows us to truly love each other. So Michelle, I'm thankful for your years of love and service, and the grace you have shown me as we have walked through life together. Thank you for your continued love and patience with me through thick and thin. Thank you for being a picture of Jesus to me, and reminding me of where my ultimate hope lies. Because of you, I am not the same man you married ten years ago, and I'm so thankful for that! I can't imagine my life without you, and thankful I get to spend the rest of it with you!
So today, I want to reaffirm my commitment to you. A commitment to love and cherish you for the rest of my life. To continually give myself up for you. To be faithful to you. To remind you of Jesus, and to walk with you and enjoy your friendship and company, no matter what the future holds.
Thank you for being my best friend, Michelle!
Will you Marry Me? Again? :-)
I love you,
- Your Husband.
Eph 5:25-30