Thursday, September 17, 2009

Summer "Fun"

As you can tell, we kind of went on a blogging hiatus for a few months. We really haven't had a lot of "blog-worthy" adventures this summer...well, we have had 2, but obviously those lived up to their name, since they're, well, on the blog. :) Other than that, a few short day trips have been the extent of our summer. Not that I am complaining! We have enjoyed this summer, but it has been busy...mostly with people and books! ;) David has been quite busy training people, as our church started a Discipleship Program, and also helped launch a new campus of Mars Hill. Since this is what he feels called to do, it is a blessing that he has been able to spend most of his summer equipping leaders for the sake of the Gospel. David also started a Master's Degree level program at our church and I have been going through a biblical counseling training, so it definitely hasn't been a summer of relaxing on the beach...although we have been blessed to enjoy a few relaxing days on the water. It can be tempting to look back at this summer and feel like it was "wasted" because we didn't get to enjoy the warm weather as much as we would like...but as soon I think that, I realize this summer was far from wasted. It has been spent impacting people for Jesus, which is the furthest thing from a fact, it's the only thing that's not.

With that said, I will attempt to do a blogger "unload" of what memories we did make this summer. I've realized that if I don't transfer them onto blogger, the memories transfer from my mind into into the dark abyss of the hard drive :) So, if you care to read, make sure to keep scrolling down because I will probably may make separate posts in the next day or 2 to make things easier to find (I may back-date them to keep them in some sort of order).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


It may be hard to believe, but September 1st we celebrated our 8th Anniversary! We enjoyed a very nice night out, doing two things we really enjoy...eating good (cheap!) food and watching a beautiful sunset. We were talking about how crazy it is that it's been 8 years, and even crazier that this is our 3rd anniversary celebrated in Seattle! We are so thankful that Jesus brought us together, and that He has kept us together! He has definitely grown us both a lot this past year, and we are ever more
thankful to be serving Him together.

The happy, handsome husband.

Yum! Nothing beats happy hour prices. We practically ordered the whole menu for under $30!

The view from the bottom.

And the view from the top.

8 years...