This summer, Seattle unveiled it's new "state of the art" public transit system. Drumroll please...announcing The Lightrail! We decided that it might be fun to try it out for a date night excursion-- Take it till the end of the line, then grab dinner and go to a free concert at the Space Needle. sounds more fun that you thought, huh? :)
We actually had to drive out of the way to get to the station, so we decided it's not very practical. And we discovered it takes at least twice the time to get downtown than driving by car, but hey, it's still a fun ride and very cheap entertainment (we're easily entertained obviously...but, we're not the only ones doing this for fun. My residents at work took a field trip to ride it too!).
But it's trying reeeaally hard. :)
They had all this crazy neon artwork up on the ceilings!
Well, almost. We still had to take it the whole way back! Not quite as entertaining the second time around, but still a fun trip.